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Technical Experts

Programme Department
Operation Area:
Apply by:
10 Aug 2024

Role Description

The World Scout Jamboree Team is excited to invite volunteers to become Technical Experts (TE) for the upcoming World Scout Jamboree. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to one of scouting’s most significant global events. We are looking to fill 6 volunteer positions across various areas of programme development. Apply by 10 August 2024.

What you should expect

Technical Experts will create programme materials and collaborate closely with the Programme Department to plan activities for the Jamboree.

Applicant Profile

Details can be found here:

WSJ – Technical Experts – July 2024

Why get involved

This is an exceptional opportunity to play a pivotal role in delivering a memorable World Scout Jamboree. We look forward to your applications and the chance to work together on this extraordinary event.

How to Apply

How to Apply:

Submit your application to [email protected] by 23:59 CEST on 10 August 2024, including:

  • A Curriculum Vitae in English, detailing both professional and scouting experiences, with contact details. The Europass format is recommended.
  • A cover letter in English, no longer than four paragraphs, describing your experience, skills, and motivation for applying.
  • An endorsement from the Regional Commissioner or Chief Commissioner for candidates from Poland, The Scout Association membership confirmation for UK candidates, and an endorsement from the International Commissioner of the WOSM Member Organisation for candidates from other countries.
After clicking the 'Submit your application' button, you will be taken to the Jamboree Planning Team recruitment platform at Scouting is an inclusive, values-based Movement under the Scout Promise and Law. Applying for positions in the Jamboree Planning Team is open to all young people and adults who accept our fundamental values. The Jamboree Organisation stands against discrimination of any kind, including race, colour, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, social background, or political beliefs - so long as they are consistent with Scouting values. Respecting and valuing the diversity of all volunteers and employees involved in organising the World Scout Jamboree ensures that we maximise the potential of all young people and adults by creating better, fairer, safer working environments. Your personal data will be treated with utmost confidentiality in compliance with GDPR regulations, and will be used solely for this recruitment process. We store your information securely and will not share it with third parties without your prior consent. By submitting your application, you agree to the processing of your data in accordance with these terms.
Host Region
Upcoming Official World Scout Events
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Jamboree driven by values

As we get ready for the World Scout Jamboree, we pledge to follow ethical standards, norms, laws, and the internal regulations of the Polish Scouting & Guiding Association (ZHP) and the World Organization of the Scout Movement. All these principles are based on fundamental values - the Scout Promise and Law.
Copyright © 2019-2024 Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego & Organising Committee for the 26th World Scout Jamboree Poland 2027. All rights reserved. The World Scout Emblem is a registered trademark of the World Scout Bureau, Inc.

Pictures: © World Scout Bureau, Inc.; Getty Images; Pexels GmbH; ZHP/Zuzanna Gałczyńska, Karolina Pośnik, Matylda Hojnor, Karolina Piotrowska, Patryk Sikora, Weronika Małachowska, Agnieszka Madetko-Kurczab, Piotr Rodzoch, Karolina Pośnik, Arkadiusz Wydro, Sebastian Strachowski, Kamil Jasiński, Konrad Kmieć.


Organising Committee for the
26th World Scout Jamboree

Za murami 2-10
80-823 Gdańsk, Poland
[email protected]


Organising Committee for
the 26th World Scout Jamboree

Za murami 2-10, 80-823 Gdańsk, Poland
[email protected]
The Organising Committee for the XXVI World Scout Jamboree has been established by Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego as a foundation under the Host Organisation Agreement, providing a legal entity for the planning and delivery of the World Scout Jamboree Poland 2027. The foundation is registered in the National Court Register held by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk under the number KRS 0001022285. It has a tax identification number of PL-583-347-28-08 and a statistical number REGON 52467170500000. The foundation’s legal seat is located at Za murami 2-10, 80-823 Gdańsk, Poland.